jUMPSTART is designed for highly motivated high school students who want to get an early start on their university education. jUMPSTART gives high school students the opportunity to:
- earn UB credits while still in high school;
- explore career interests by taking introductory level courses in relevant disciplines;
- network with UB students and faculty across areas in which they have an interest; and
- gain a first-hand experience of university life before graduating from high school.
Admission Requirements
To be eligible for acceptance into jUMPSTART, applicants must:
- be high school students in grade 11 or 12;
- possess three or more BGCSEs, including Mathematics and English, with a grade of ‘C’ or higher and an overall grade point average of 3.00 or higher OR a combined SAT score of at least 900 on the Mathematics and Critical Reading sections.
Applicants are accepted into the fall or spring semester only
jUMPSTART students:
- may register for up to one full semester of courses, or 15 credit hours, while in high school;
- receive direct entry into UB upon graduating from high school once they have completed a minimum of six credit hours in the jUMPSTART Programme;
- may transfer their UB credits abroad to the college or university of their choice.
Courses Offered
ACCA105 Financial Accounting I
AGRI101 Agricultural Geography
ARCH110 Architectural Graphics I
ARTH106 Survey of Art I
ARTH107 Introduction to Bahamian and Caribbean Art
ARTS102 2-D Concepts and Methods I
BIOL109 General Biology
BIOL131 Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology I
CHEM135 College Chemistry I
CISB106 Computer Concepts and Application
COM 107 Introduction to Communications
CREO103 Introductory Haitian Creole I
ELET110 Electrical Circuits I
ENGR111 Engineering Graphics I
ENGW119 Writing and Rhetoric I
ENGW120 Writing and Rhetoric II
FINB200 Personal Financial Management
FREN103 Introductory French I
GEOG113 Human and Cultural Geography
HIS 112 History of The Bahamas
MATH140 Basic College Mathematics
MATH163 Finite Mathematics
MATH167 Pre-Calculus: Algebra
MATH168 Pre-Calculus: Trigonometry
MGMT101 Business Fundamentals
MUS 100 Introduction to Bahamian Music
POL 113 Government and Politics in The Bahamas
PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology
SPAN103 Introductory Spanish I
TECH025 Engineering Science I
TECH028 Technical Drawing I
TECH035 Engineering Science II
TECH122 Engineering Drawing Fundamentals