In June, 2003, on the occasion of the annual Commencement Exercise, the then Council Chairman, Sir Franklyn R. Wilson, announced the establishment of an endowment fund in support of an award for excellence in research. Named in honour of his late brother, the Stanley R. Wilson Award for Excellence in Research recognizes completed research by University of The Bahamas faculty published in peer-reviewed journals or by academic publishers.

Criteria for Award

The criteria for the Stanley R. Wilson Award for Excellence in Research reflect UB’s overarching mission to be the nation’s primary resource for research and innovation. To be considered for this prestigious award, the work:

  • must enhance the reputation of UB as an institution of excellence;
  • should make a significant contribution to international as well as Bahamian research literature;
  • should support national or curriculum development; and
  • should involve collaboration.

Submissions are considered eligible on the basis of the following:

  1. The research was conducted while at least one of the authors was a full-time or part-time UB faculty member.
  2. The research has been published, including e-published or accepted for publication, in a peer-reviewed or academic publication.
  3. The research was not undertaken in partial fulfilment of an academic programme.
  4. Although it may involve UB students, the research has been directed by a UB faculty member who is a senior author.
  5. A copy of the submitted article has been lodged with the UB library system.

2016   Dr. Raymond Oenbring, Assistant Professor, English Studies: “Using Web 2.0 Technologies in a College Composition Classroom in the Caribbean: The Ease of the Electronic Dictionary of Bahamian English.”

2015   Dr. Karen J. Murchie, Assistant Professor, Chemistry, Environmental and Life Sciences: “Physiological and behavioural consequences of cold shock on bonefish (Albula vulpes) in The Bahamas.”

2013   Lisa Benjamin, Assistant Professor, Social Sciences, & Cathleen LeGrand, Public Services Librarian, Libraries and Instructional Media Services: “Sound and fury: Newspaper Coverage of the Marital Rape Debate in New Providence.”

2012   Dr. Christine Gangelhoff, Assistant Professor, Communication and Creative Arts & Cathleen LeGrand, Public Services Librarian, Libraries and Instructional Media Services: “Caribbean Art Music Bibliography.”

2011   Dr. Raymond Oenbring, Assistant Professor, English Studies: “Corpus Linguistic Studies of Standard Bahamian English: A Comparative Study of Newspaper Usage

2009   Dr. Daphne Grace, Professor, English Studies, University of The Bahamas-North: Relocating Consciousness: Diasporic Writers and the Dynamics of Literary Experience;

2005   (1) Ann Lawlor, Associate Professor, English Studies: The Harbour Island Story.

(2) Dr. Ian Strachan, Professor, English Studies: Paradise and Plantation: Tourism and Culture in the Anglophone Caribbean.

(3) Dr. Llewelyn Curling, Professor, Mathematics, Sciences and Technology: “Analyses of Random Flow-Induced Vibration of Cylindrical Structures Subjected to Turbulent Axial Flow.”