One lecture (taught) or seminar (discussion) credit hour represents 1 hour per week of scheduled class/seminar time and 2 hours of student preparation time. Most lecture and seminar courses are awarded 3 credit hours. Over an entire semester, this formula represents at least 45 hours of class time and 90 hours of student preparation.

One laboratory credit hour represents 2 contact hours per week of scheduled supervised laboratory work, and 2 hours of student preparation time. Most laboratory courses are awarded up to 4 credit hours.

One practice credit hour (supervised clinical rounds, visual or performing art studio, supervised student teaching, field work, etc.) represents 3-4 contact hours per week of supervised and/or independent practice. This calculation is similar for the Independent Study.

The credit formula for internship or apprenticeship hours is similar to that for practice credit.

A typical bachelor’s degree programme on a semester calendar requires a student to earn at least 120 credit hours. Normal, full-time registration is usually 15 credit hours per semester or 30 per academic year. This roughly translates into at least 30-40 courses (depending on the major subject and thus the proportion of types of credit hours earned). It represents at least 5,400 – and probably more – actual hours of dedicated academic work for a non-science or non-art concentration, and well over that total for graduates of programmes in the sciences, engineering, fine arts, or performing arts. Sample bills for various majors show how a student’s bill may be adjusted as a result of the alignment.

Notwithstanding the high cost of a quality tertiary-level education, University of The Bahamas continues to offer excellent academic programmes as well as rich and rewarding student experiences at a cost that is affordable to most families.


Tuition Lower (100-200) Level Courses Upper (300-400) Level Courses
Students admitted prior to Fall 2019 Students admitted as of Fall 2019 Students admitted prior to Fall 2019 Students admitted as of Fall 2019
Bahamian rate B$100.00 per contact hour B$115.00 per contact hour B$150.00 per contact hour B$172.50 per contact hour
International rate B$200.00 per contact hour B$230.00 per contact hour B$200.00 per contact hour B$230.00 per contact hour

Bahamian Tuition Rate
The following students are eligible for the Bahamian tuition rate:

    • Bahamian citizens, a person currently married to a Bahamian citizen, the child of a Bahamian citizen;
    • Permanent residents with the right to work in The Bahamas, a person currently married to a permanent resident with the right to work in The Bahamas; the child, or adult child under the age of 25 years, of a permanent resident with the right to work in The Bahamas;
    • Persons who have completed six consecutive years of secondary education in The Bahamas;

Persons employed by the Government of The Bahamas; a person who is currently married to a person who is employed by the Government of The Bahamas, a child, or adult child under the age of 25 years, of a permanent resident with the right to work in The Bahamas.

Non-Credit Upgrading Courses
Upgrading and Pre-Tech courses are assessed at a rate of $300.00 per course plus applicable laboratory fees.

Non-Credit General Interest Courses
Tuition and fees for non-credit general interest courses are determined on the basis of related expenses.

Courses with higher-than-average operating costs are assessed additional fees. As a result, an additional laboratory, tutorial, studio or other fee may be attached to a specific course to cover related expenses such as materials, supplies, field trips, etc. Unless otherwise indicated, these fees must be paid at the time of registration.

Additionally, UB charges various incidental fees to cover the cost of services such as new student orientation fee, student identification fee, security deposit fee, all of which are included as part of the student’s statement/bill. The capital development fee, for example, assists with capital development projects and the long term maintenance of the UB’s physical plant. The student activity fee, payable at the time of registration, provides funds for Student Government and UB student clubs and organisations. The mandatory, non-refundable technology fee covers computer and Internet access. The library fee allows students access to the library and its resources such as study rooms, online library access and book borrowing.

Refunds and Tuition Penalty

If the University cancels a course, students will receive a full refund of the Tuition and Fee Charges of the cancelled course.

If a student cancels his/her registration or withdraws from a course, the Refund Schedule as outlined below will apply.

When a student cancels his/her registration online during the online Drop/Add period, no forms are required.

When a student withdraws from a course during the Course Withdrawal period, the student must:

(a) Complete the requisite Course Change and Withdrawal Form,
(b) Pay the requisite fee at the Business Office, and
(c) Submit the Course Change and Withdrawal Form to Registrar’s Office for processing.

Refund Schedule

Fall and Spring Semesters Refund Periods Refund Percentage Penalty Percentage
Before first week of classes (Returning Students Only) 90% 10%
During first week of class 75% 25%
During second week of class 50% 50%
After the second week of class 0% 100%


Summer I and Summer II Sessions Refund Periods Refund Percentage Penalty Percentage
Before the start of classes 90% 10%
1st and 2nd day of class 75% 25%
3rd and 4th day of class 50% 50%
After the 4th day of class 0% 100%
Sample UB Budget Based on 15 credits Hours per Fall and Spring Semester (Local taxes, subsistence & housing not included).
Estimated Annual Cost Estimated Annual Cost Estimated Total Cost
1st and 2nd year 3rd and 4th year 4 years
Students admitted prior to Fall 2019 Students admitted as of Fall 2019 Students admitted prior to Fall 2019 Students admitted as of Fall 2019 Students admitted prior to Fall 2019 Students admitted as of Fall 2019
$5,600.00 per year $6,300.00 per year $6,800.00 per year $7,900.00 per year $24,800.00 $28,400.00
$1,500.00 per year $1,500.00 per year $2,000.00 per year $2,000.00 per year $7,000.00 $7,000.00
$7,100.00 per year $7,800.00 per year $8,800.00 per year $9,900.00 per year $31,800.00 $35,400.00
Summary of Fees*
Accident Insurance $ 25.00 Per year
Administrative Fee – Graduate and LLB $150.00 Per semester
Application - Undergraduate $50.00 Non-refundable
Application - Graduate $ 80.00 Non-refundable
Application Fee – Undergraduate late $0.00
Art Laboratory $ 50.00 - Per Laboratory
Capital Development Fee $100.00 Per fall and spring semester
$50.00 Per summer session
Challenge Examination $ 75.00 Per examination
Deferred Payment Plan Processing Fee $ 50.00 Per semester
Deferred Payment Plan Penalty Fee $ 50.00 Per month (3 months max.)
Dormitory Security Deposit $500.00 - $750.00 One time - refundable on condition of the facility
Diploma Certification $50.00 Students admitted as of Fall 2019
Dormitory Rent $500.00 - $750.00 Per semester
Drop / Add / Withdraw $ 20.00 Per application
$25.00 Students admitted as of Fall 2019
Extraordinary Sitting of Final Examination $ 75.00 Per examination
Final Grade Appeal $100.00 Per appeal
Food Preparation Laboratory Fee $175.00 - $200.00 Per laboratory
Graduation Evaluation $100.00 One-time, non-refundable
$250.00 Students admitted as of Fall 2019
Identification Card $10.00 One-time, non-refundable
$20.00 One-time, non-refundable for students admitted as of Fall 2019
Identification Card - holder $ 3.00 Per request
Identification Card - lanyard $ 5.00 Per request
Identification Card - replacement $ 15.00 Per request
Language Laboratory Fee – French & Haitian Creole $100.00 Per semester; per lab
Late Payment $150.00 Per semester (if balance is outstanding after last day to pay without payment plan)
Late Registration $150.00 Per registration
$250.00 Students admitted as of Fall 2019
Library Fee $ 50.00 Per fall and spring semester
$25.00 Per summer session
New Student Orientation Fee $ 50.00 One-time, non-refundable
Returned Cheque $ 40.00 Per cheque
Security Deposit Fee - Bahamian $100.00 One time only; refundable after graduation upon request
Security Deposit Fee – Non-Bahamian $200.00 One time only; refundable after graduation upon request
Science Laboratory Fee $ 50.00 – $350.00 Per laboratory
Status Letter-Enrollment (Local)
Student Activity Fee $ 50.00 Per fall and spring semester
Student Activity Fee $25.00 Per summer session
$50.00 Per Request (Students admitted as of Fall 2019)
Status Letter-Initial Review $10.00 Per request
$50.00 Per request (Students admitted as of Fall 2019)
Status Letter-Progression $10.00 Per request
$50.00 Per Request (Students admitted as of Fall 2019)
Status Letter-Completion (First letter after Graduation is free) $10.00 Per request
$50.00 Per Request (Students admitted as of Fall 2019)
Status Letter-International $60.00 Per request (Students admitted as of Fall 2019)
$25.00 Per summer session
Student Printing: monochrome (Black & White) .10¢ Per sheet, single‐ or double-sided
Student Printing: colour .25¢ Per sheet, single‐ or double-sided
Technology Fee $120.00 Per fall and spring semester
$60.00 Per summer session
Transcript (e-transcripts will incur additional charges from the service provider) $5.00 Per copy
$20.00 Per copy (Students admitted as of Fall 2019
*University of the Bahamas reserves the right to change tuition and fees.

Graduate Tuition

Programme Number of Credit Hours Bahamian Rate per Credit Hour International Rate per Credit hour
Master of Arts Education 39 $500.00 $1,000.00
Master of Business Administration 54 $600.00 $1,200.00
Master of Law 63 $600.00 $1,200.00
Master of Science in Nursing, Adult Gerontology 61 $550.00 $1,100.00
Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Education 54 $550.00 $1,100.00
Master of Science in Nursing, Nursing Administration 54 $550.00 $1,100.00
Master of Science in Nursing, Public Community Health 60 $550.00 $1,100.00
Master of Public Administration 54 $500.00 $1,000.00
Master of Research 30 $500.00 $1,000.00
Master of Science Reading with Inclusive Education 39 $500.00 $1,000.00
Graduate Diploma Public Administration 21 $500.00 $1,000.00
Graduate Certificate Public Administration 12 $500.00 $1,000.00



Graduate Fees

Item Fee
Accident Insurance Fee $25.00 (per year)
Administrative Fee $300.00 (per semester and summer session, non-refundable)
Graduate Application Fee $80.00 (one-time, non-refundable)
Capital Development Fee $100.00 (per semester and summer session)
Graduate Graduation Fee $350.00 (one-time, non-refundable)
Identification Card (nonrefundable) $20.00 (one-time, non-refundable)
Library Fee $50.00 (per fall, spring & summer session)
Lunch and Coffee Breaks Fee $250.00
Nonrefundable Seat Fee $100.00 (one-time, non-refundable)
Student Activity Fee $50.00 (per fall & spring) / $25.00 (per summer session)
Technology Fee $200.00 (per semester & summer session)

How to Pay?
Tuition and fees are payable in the form of cash,  credit or debit card (VISA, MasterCard), by money order or certified cheque made payable to University of The Bahamas.

Where to Pay?
Payment may be made online at by logging into the Self-Service portal or at the Business Office, Student Services Centre, Keva M. Bethel Building, Oakes Field Campus, or the Administration Block, University of The Bahamas-North.

*1. While we have sought to be as comprehensive as possible, some fees may have been inadvertently omitted from this list.
2. All fees are subject to change.
3. This listing does not include applicable VAT charges.